Read the latest educational health resources, community outreach, and stories from Primary Care Partners.
New Look, Same Exceptional Care. PCP’s 2022 Rebranding
Primary Care Partners has been a prominent name in the Grand Valley for over twenty years and continues to be a staple in local health care. Primary Care Partners, also known as PCP, offers Western Colorado more than just expert medical care; it offers a sense of stability, community, and reassurance that your health is of the highest priority. Since formal establishment in 1998, PCP has added medical offices to serve the health care need of the families in the Grand Valley. Family medicine, sports [...]
What is Occupational Therapy and When Did it Begin?
By: Chris Moore, OT In the 1700’s, the age of Enlightenment was born. OT emerged to help with the mentally ill. At that time, this population was considered a danger to society. In the 1800’s, arts and crafts were used in American hospitals to promote relaxation and feelings of being productive. William Rush Dunton Jr. known as “the father of occupational therapy”, was a strong advocate for occupational engagement and eventually formed the National Society for Promotion of Occupational Therapy (now known as AOTA (American [...]
Ergonomic Concepts – Posture and Positioning
By: Lauren Sampson, MPT Did you know that 20-40% of employees suffer from work related musculoskeletal dysfunctions and contribute to an estimated 40% of workman's comp claims. Some studies suggest that there are 70,000 days of lost work per year in the United States due to work related musculoskeletal issues. Ergonomic assessment and adjustments are important for individual benefits and safety, which benefits the entire group or employer. What is Ergonomics? Fitting a job to an employee based upon desired work to be completed, equipment [...]
What is Kinesio Tape and How Does it Work?
By: Jacob Miller, PTA Many of you have likely heard about Kinesio Tape (KT) or have seen athletes wearing it at the latest sporting event. The multicolored, many shaped, and decorative tape is not easy to miss. Some of the biggest names in professional sports are found wearing it – James Harden, Michael Phelps, David Beckam, and Tom Brady are just a few of the names. Many people think it “looks cool” but rarely understand the technology and physiology behind the tape itself. So why [...]
Post Covid-19 and Physical Therapy
By: Karen Hayter, DPT Most people fully recover from COVID-19 within a few weeks of illness. For some, they can continue to experience symptoms after their initial recovery. These symptoms can linger for weeks to months beyond what is considered the normal timeline for recovery. People with these symptoms are being described as COVID “long-haulers” and this has led to the term Long COVID. Individuals who have experienced both mild and severe COVID-19 symptoms can develop Long COVID and researchers estimate that around 10% of [...]
Let’s Move it, Move it
By: Tara Albright, DPT With the holidays behind us and possibly a few extra pounds under our belts it is time to start thinking about getting healthy or staying healthy. Physical activity and exercise are important at any age, but sometimes we don’t know where to start or how to start so we just don’t. Well, this blog is going to change your mind set and help you get on track to have a healthy active lifestyle for 2022! We have some simple [...]
Sacral Iliac Pain
by Kari Mullaney MPT What is Sacral Iliac: The sacral Iliac (SI) joints join the lower part of the spine (sacrum) to the pelvis (iliac bones). There are two SI joints (right and left sides). The sacroiliac joints are encircled by a fibrous capsule and is stabilized with several strong ligaments. The main function of the joints is to bear the weight of the skeleton and transfer it to the hip bones. The weight can then be distributed to the two femurs in [...]
We have your back!
by Tara Albright DPT If you have ever experienced lower back pain (LBP), you are not alone. Lower back pain is the most common form of back pain and nearly 50% of patients who present to outpatient physical therapy are seeking care due to LBP1. At any given time, 25% of adults in the United States reported having LBP within the past three months2. Why Physical Therapy? Seeking physical therapy services within 1 month of onset of symptoms has shown to decrease the [...]
Winter Injury Prevention
by Tara Albright DPT On average there are 230 injuries per day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s pertaining to decorating and gift wrapping. The most common injuries tend to be either fall related or have to do with neck and back strain. Likewise on average there are 60 skiing/snowboarding accidents per day at any given ski resort in the state of Colorado. This can add up to a lot of aches and pain that tend to hinder your holiday spirit. We would like [...]
Snowboard and Ski Fit
by Dorian Campisi DPT As autumn fades away and we transition away from warm weather activities, our focus here at PTSC moves towards that big rock to the east of town. That’s right - we’re talking about the Grand Mesa and more specifically, the snow upon it! At present it is a bit bare up there, but once the snowfall begins ski and snowboard season follows! The topic of discussion this month is in regards to skis and snowboards, not necessarily how to [...]