Read the latest educational health resources, community outreach, and stories from Primary Care Partners.
How to Prevent Osteoporosis
Maintaining bone health is crucial for overall health, especially as you age. Osteoporosis is a condition where bones lose their density and become brittle and weak. This can increase the risk of broken bones – not only from falls but even from coughing or sudden movements in some cases. Osteoporosis is a significant health concern, especially among the elderly population, as fractures resulting from osteoporosis can lead to disability, decreased quality of life, and increased mortality rates. However, osteoporosis is not an inevitable consequence of [...]
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy refers not only to patients’ work or employment but to all aspects of their everyday lives. It focuses on their needs at work, school, home, with leisure activities and while traveling or performing daily tasks. An occupational therapist can help patients make the necessary adjustments in their daily routine so they remain independent and have quality of life. Many people often have decreased strength and endurance, problems with sensation, coordination and pain. The occupational therapist will assess the home, work and identity [...]
Colorectal Cancer Prevention & Screening Saves Lives
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and Primary Care Partners encourages our patients to stay in the know and talk to their provider about their risks for colorectal cancer this month and year round. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 150,000 Americans will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2024. When should I get screened? Today, it’s recommended that more patients begin screening for colon cancer [...]
February is Heart Health Month
February is Heart Health Month, and Primary Care Partners encourages patients to celebrate by taking charge of their heart health today! Did you know that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the United States, especially for women? The good news is that heart disease is preventable, and by taking just a few small steps, you can improve your heart health and avoid conditions such as high blood pressure, which can lead to more serious heart conditions like heart disease, heart attack, or [...]
Achieve Your Heath Goals in the the New Year!
The New Year often comes with new goal setting, and often one of the biggest and most important goals people can set for themselves is trying to start (or restart) a healthy lifestyle. Vanessa Carter, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist with Nutrition Therapy and Wellness, offers insight for anyone trying to get back on track with their health in 2024. If you want to improve your health but aren’t sure where to start, you can start by asking yourself, “Why do [...]
Western Colorado Pediatrics Presents $5,000 Check to Kids Aid
On Thursday, August 24th, Western Colorado Pediatrics (WCP), a division of Primary Care Partners (PCP), held a check presentation and celebration for their fundraiser for the Kids Aid Backpack Program. The Kid’s Aid Backpack Program is dedicated to bridging the gap of weekend hunger for kids in School District 51 by supplying food for kids in need. Western Colorado Pediatrics has pledged to donate annually to this great cause by contributing $5 for each Well Child Check between the dates of July 1st and August [...]
Grand Junction Diagnostics Now Offering Echocardiograms
This summer Grand Junction Diagnostics, a division of Primary Care Partners, is excited to offer echocardiogram services to our patients. We are proud to introduce this added health screening benefit to our wide range or screening and diagnostic services that we offer. No longer do PCP patients need to visit an outside clinic to receive this service, it will be performed in-office at Grand Junction Diagnostics at our PCP Care Village office. The echocardiogram is a non-invasive diagnostic test that is commonly used to diagnose [...]
WeCan!® Mesa County Plants Vegetable Gardens
Earlier this week, WeCan!® Mesa County planted two container gardens filled with fresh vegetables like tomatoes and carrots outside Primary Care Partners 12th Street location! WeCan! or “Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition®” is a local program designed for families and communities to help children reach and maintain a healthy weight. Coordinated by Dr. Zind, it is an integrated program to Western Colorado Pediatrics. With help from a generous grant from Rocky Mountain Health Plans, they transformed this contribution into something that will help [...]
May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month
May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month, and our team at Grand Junction Diagnostics and Mammography is here to help inform and educate our patients about the risk factors of osteoporosis and how bone density screening can help. People tend to think that bones are static and unchanging, but the truth is that bones are in constant flux. Even as you read this sentence, specialized cells in your body are busy destroying old bits of bone and replacing them with new bone. Unfortunately, as people age, [...]
Food For Life, Knowledge For Life
It was a bittersweet evening in the CSU Western Campus Teaching Kitchen. Dr. Susan Sayers offered her final thoughts and instruction to the participants of the Summer Food For Life Class. The last class of the 6-week course is traditionally a potluck and offers participants a chance to highlight what they have learned and how they have adopted a plant-based diet with a delicious dish. Classmates took turns describing their dish, suggesting recipe alterations, adding personal anecdotes about their skeptical spouses, and proudly sharing their [...]