Colorectal cancer refers to cancers that start in the colon or the rectum. It typically begins as small, noncancerous clumps of cells called polyps that over time can become cancerous. Most cases of CRC develop from these polyps, making early detection through screening crucial. Colon cancer affects all races and genders and many people have no symptoms of early stage colon cancer.

The good news is that colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable cancers and when caught early, is treatable in 9 out of 10 people. Maintaining regular screenings starting at age 45 can significantly increase the chance of successful treatment.

Early detection saves lives.

CRC screening doesn’t always mean getting a colonoscopy – adults with average risk of CRC can use FIT/FOBT (Fecal Immunochemical Test / Fecal Occult Blood Test) or a Multitarget stool DNA test (Cologuard) to test for colorectal cancer in the comfort of their own home.


  • Performed in a hospital/outpatient clinic under general anesthesia
  • Prep required
  • Uses a scope to look for and remove abnormal growths/polyps in the colon and rectum
  • For adults with high or average risk
  • Repeated every 10 years if test results are normal

Multitarget stool DNA test (Cologuard)

  • Finds altered DNA and blood in a stool sample
  • No prep needed
  • Test performed at home
  • For adults 45+ at average risk
  • Repeated every 3 years if test results are normal

FIT/FOBT (Fecal Immunochemical Test / Fecal Occult Blood Test)

  • Detects blood in a stool sample
  • May require diet restrictions
  • Test performed at home
  • For adults 45+ at average risk
  • Repeated once a year if test results are normal

For more info on CRC screening options, visit Cologuard.

Be sure to talk to your Primary Care Partners provider to learn more about your risk and the colorectal cancer screening options available to you!